
OneZone Energy Monitoring II

This is the web based solution that OneZone Solutions offers with the power management installation. The emonitor allows you to see real time consumption (dial on the left), carbon footprint (feet on right) and then offers a complete breakdown of how your power is being consumed circuit for circuit.

There are tabs at the top right of the screen that offer a further analysis of your buildings / house energy consumption. All are valuable tools that allow occupants to adjust their behavior to increase their savings and overall sustainability.

OneZone Energy Monitoring

Finished Install of the new Emonitor system that can measure real time power consumption. Also gives a breakdown of consumption to the circuit lever, meaning we can see how much the dryer is using versus the AC versus the refrigerator etc.

This install was on an existing home in the Charleston area. Since install, a few things were discovered that lead to instant savings, that by the end of year will cover the cost of the system. A bad window unit on the accessory structure was shorting out and was causing an additional $50.00 to $100.00 per month and had been doing so for the past 6 months.

Other photos in this post are of the inside of the interior main breaker panel and the additional recessed box we installed.


422 Green Roof / Green Roof Outfitters

Green Roof Outfitters supplied the pre-planted roofing tiles for the 422 Project. Here you can see them set-up on the roof perimeter as the interior is going to be decked and used as an entertaining area.

Requiring minimal water and using specialized soil and rock material, the small extremely hardy plants thrive on the roof-top and are growing each and every day. We have also seen some power savings due to the plants ability to absorb heat from the hot summer sun as well as absorb rainwater which will help decrease run-off.

Eventually the plants grow outward and actually "link" the tiles together so that they act as one "green roof".


422 Progress

Project 422 is nearing completion. Will continue to update photos as well as keep all informed on how the OneZone Energy Monitoring system is doing. We have already had success in diagnosing a bad window unit which has saved us anywhere from $50 to $100 per month in power bill savings.

Below is a custom SDB Cedar Butcherblock countertop with Viking stove that is the pivotal point of the kitchen. Ikea cabinets and Paperstone countertops complete the basics. Radiant floor system functioned well through the winter and kept our feet cozy during one of the coldest winters on record for SC.


Container House

Intitial design concept for West Ashley Container House Project. Send me your info and I can include those interested at igoogle project so that you can view the project as it develops.

Jackson Hole

Time to remember what is important (See PIC) and clear the mind that tends to get wrapped up in the day to day of things.  Things are moving along nicely and trying to focus on finishing up an MBA in Sustainable Construction, thus quite a few books, all of which are actually very interesting including one titled Natural Capitalism. Everyone should give it a read on the potential for what we can do to make things work more sustainably in this world and at the same time still maintain profitable businesses and create employment.

Current projects that are underway are as follows:

Interior Stair for 425 residence. 3 floors of hand shaped recycled steel stairs with floating treads. Awaiting final plan sets, then will start production shortly.

Jackson Hole WY presentation about OneZone Solutions Energy Dashboard. Visit the link to see what that is all about. We have a location for the presentation now but are still looking to lock in date and time so stay tuned.

West Ashley Container House project, custom for private client. Small 2000 sqft residence either using old shipping containers for the structure and walls or feasibly for cost concerns Eco-Steel for the structure.

Downtown "Sky" project. Another steel project possibly using Eco-Steel for the structural and exterior shell. Everyone keep fingers crossed as we hope to land this project within the next 6 months.


Opening Day

Welcome to SUSTAIN DESIGN BUILD LLC's blog. As time moves along we will be updating this site with current projects, our advances, our withdrawals, what works, what doesn't in the areas of sustainable construction from the beginnings with our concepts to the actual construction practices and then finally we will also explore components that SDB uses within our projects. Thanks for visiting and please send comments as the interaction is what makes all of us learn how to improve.