
Jackson Hole

Time to remember what is important (See PIC) and clear the mind that tends to get wrapped up in the day to day of things.  Things are moving along nicely and trying to focus on finishing up an MBA in Sustainable Construction, thus quite a few books, all of which are actually very interesting including one titled Natural Capitalism. Everyone should give it a read on the potential for what we can do to make things work more sustainably in this world and at the same time still maintain profitable businesses and create employment.

Current projects that are underway are as follows:

Interior Stair for 425 residence. 3 floors of hand shaped recycled steel stairs with floating treads. Awaiting final plan sets, then will start production shortly.

Jackson Hole WY presentation about OneZone Solutions Energy Dashboard. Visit the link to see what that is all about. We have a location for the presentation now but are still looking to lock in date and time so stay tuned.

West Ashley Container House project, custom for private client. Small 2000 sqft residence either using old shipping containers for the structure and walls or feasibly for cost concerns Eco-Steel for the structure.

Downtown "Sky" project. Another steel project possibly using Eco-Steel for the structural and exterior shell. Everyone keep fingers crossed as we hope to land this project within the next 6 months.

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